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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 146   View pdf image
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      June Court                               1762                           146
Propry doth Give the Same Justices here to understand and be Informed that Evans Winright Late of Stepney parish in
the Said County of Somerset the xxv day of May Anno Dom. 1761 at the Parish afd. in the County afd. did Commit
Fornication with a Certain Margaret Cox and a Bastard Child on the Body of the Said Margaret did beget to the high
displeasure of Almighty God to the Evill Example of all Others in Such Case Offending Contrary to the peace of
the Said Lord Propry that now is his Good Rule and Government And Against the form of the Act of Assembly in
Such Case made and Provided and So forth    And Whereupon the Same Attorney of the Same Lord Propry for the Lord
Propry Prays Advice of the Court here in the premisses and So forth
      Thereupon it is Commanded the Sheriff of Somerset County that he Should take the Said Evans Winright if &c. to
Answer &c.    And now to witt at a Court of his Lordship held at Princes Ann Town the third Tuesday of June being the
Eig Fifteenth day of the Same Month Anno Dom. 1762 before the Justices thereof Came the afd. Evans Winright
According to the tenor of his Recoge.
in his Proper Person ^ and had a hearing of the Information afd. Saith that he Cannot deny but that he is Guilty of the
Premisses in the Information afd. upon him Imposed in Manner and form as by the Information afd. Against him
Supposed and is Willing to pay his fine for the Same &c.    Whereupon all and Singular the Premisses being Seen and
by the Court fully understood it is Considered by the Court here that the afd. Evans Winright for the offence afd. be taken
which Said Evans Winright present here in Court in his proper person is fined the Sum of thirty Shillings Curt Money
which he paid in Court to the Sheriff for the use of the County &c
      Whereupon the Said Evans Winright is ordered to Give Security to Save and keep Indemnified the Justices of Somerset
County Court from all Costs Charges and troubles that may Accrew by Means of the birth of the Bastard Child afd.
Thereupon the Said Evans Winright with Mathias Costen and Jacob Thorns of Somerset County Planters his Security all
present here in Court in their Proper persons Acknowledged themselves Indebted unto the afd. his Lordship the Lord Propry
in thirty Pounds Curt Money of Maryland of their bodys Goods or Chattles Lands and tenements Joyntly and Severally
to the use of his Said Lordship his heirs and Successors to be made and Levied if it happen that the Said Evans
Winright do not Save and keep Indemnified the Justices of Somerset County Court from all Costs Charges and
troubles that may Accrew by means of the Birth of the Bastard Child afd. &c

The Same
@    Somerset to wit The Jurors for his Lordship the Right Honrble the Lord Propry that now is for the
Margt. Maddox    Body of Somerset County upon their Oath present that Margaret Maddox Late of Coventry Parish in
the County afd. Spinster on the thirteenth day of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred Sixty &
Two with force and Arms at the Parish afd. in the County afd. in and upon a Certain Martha Boston in the peace of God
And the Said Lord Propry then and there being an Assault did Make and her the Said Martha then and there did
beat Wound and Evilly treat so that of her Life it was much dispaired and other harms to her the Said Martha
then and there did to the Great damage of the Said Martha And Against the peace of his Lordship the Right
Honrble the Lord Propry that now is his Good Rule and Government and So forth
           Thereupon it is Commanded the Sheriff of Somerset County that he Should Take the Said Margaret
Maddox if &c. to Answer &c.    And now to witt at a Court of his Lordship held at Princes Ann Town the third Tuesday of
June being the fifteenth day of the Same Month Anno Dom. 1762 before the Justices thereof Came the afd. Margaret
Maddox According to A Certain Recognizance by her and her Sery in that part before Acknowledged and had a hearing of the Indictment
afd. Saith that She will not Contend with his Lordship but for the Saveing Costs Labour and Expences about the premisses
Submits herself at fine with his Said Lordship and put herself upon favour of the Court &c
      Whereupon all and Singular the premisses being Seen and by the Court fully understood it is Considered by the
Court here that the afd. Margaret Maddox for the offence afd. above mentioned be taken &c. Which Said Margaret
Maddox present here in Court as afd. is fined for the premisses and Offence afd. the Sum of One Shilling Curt Money
which She paid to the Sheriff for the use of his Lordship &c.

The Same    Somerset to wit The Jurors for his Lordship the Right Honrble the Lord Propry that now is for the
@    body of Somerset County upon their Oath Present that John Talbot Late of Stepney Parish in the
John Talbot    County afd. Planter on the xvii day of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred Sixty
And Two with force and Arms at the Parish afd. in the County afd. in and upon a Certain Thomas Clarkson in the


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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1760-1763
Volume 543, Page 146   View pdf image
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