An act to extend to John H Milburne, administrator of Ste-
phen Milburne, late Collector of St Mary's county,
further time to complete his collections, and for other pur-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the time limited bylaw, in which Stephen Milburne, former
collector of St. Mary's county, should have completed his
collections, be and the same is hereby extended to the first
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty six, and that John
H Milburne, his administrator, and the several deputies
of the said Stephen Milburne, shall, within said time, be al-
lowed to complete their collections, as fully as if the same
had been done in the lifetime of the said Stephen Milburne,
and within the time limited by law Provided nevertheless,
it shall not be lawful for the said John H Milburne, admin-
istrator as aforesaid, and said deputies, to execute the pro-
perty of any person against whom he or they or either of
them have any claim or claims for taxes, without having
first left a copy of the claim at the residence of such person
or persons at least sixty days before proceeding to execute,
and provided also, if any person against whom the said John
H Milburne, administrator as aforesaid, or any of said depu-
Passed Jan. 14, 1835
Time extended
Conditions required
ties have a claim, shall make an affidavit before some one
Justice of the Peace in St Mary's county, that he, she or
they, or any other person for him, her or them, has paid
such claim, or secured the same to be paid, or in any man-
ner satisfied said claim, or produce a receipt for the pay-
ment of said claim, the same shall forever stop the said John
H Milburne, administrator as aforesaid, and said deputies,
from further proceedings by virtue of this act.
And act for the relief of the Widow and Children of John
Cummins, deceased, late of the State of Delaware
Passed Jan 14, 1834
WHEREAS, Susan W Cummins, the widow of John
Cummins, late of Smyrna, in Kent County, State of Dela-