CHAP. 43
pay the same, that the amount so assessed and charged as
aforesaid, must be paid within sixty days from the day of
giving said notice, and should any sums of money so as-
sessed and charged as aforesaid, not be paid within the
time limited for the payment of the same, the collector a-
foresaid shall be, and he is hereby authorised, to sell
Sale authorised
at public sale, for cash, the whole or any part of the pro-
perty on which said assessment shall be made, first giving
not less than thirty days notice of such intended sale in one
or more newspaper printed in said city, and the said col-
lector, upon receiving the purchase money of the property
so sold, shall execute a deed of conveyance therefor, in fa-
vor of the purchaser or purchasers, which deed, when so
executed, shall convey all the estate and interest of the
person or persons so assessed and neglecting to pay, in and
to such property, and the said collector, after deducting all
necessary expense attendant upon the sale of said property,
shall pay over the balance to the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, who shall, after deducting the amount assess
ed on said property, pay over the balance to the person or
persons entitled thereto, on demand
Sec 6 And be it enacted, That any person or persons,
or corporation, who may be dissatisfied with the assessment
aforesaid, may, within ten days after the publication of the
return aforesaid, by the collector aforesaid, appeal, by peti-
tion in writing, to the judges of Baltimore City Court, pray
ing for a review of said assessment, and it shall be the duty
of said judges, or a majority of them, within thirty days
after the said appeal, to examine into said assessment, and
to alter and correct the same in all or any of its parts, as
they may deem right and proper, but not to reject or set
aside said return altogether, for any error, either of form or
substance, and the said judges are hereby authored, if the
appellant, or any party interested, require it, to summon a
jury to try any and every disputed point involved in such
appeal, and they are also hereby empowered to summon
witnesses, and to command them to bring with them any
paper or papers that they may deem requisite to the far
trial of said appeals, and the pleadings and decision of said
court, on such appeal, shall be certified by their clerk,
under the Deal of the said court, to the office of the register
aforesaid, and shall be thereafter, in all respects, find and
conclusive, and the collector of the city aforesaid shall pro-
ceed to collect the damages so assessed and finally deter
mined, in the manner and form as herein before pro-