No. 100.
Resolution to rescind a former resolution, passed at the pre-
sent session.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
resolution passed at the present session of the Legislature,
to authorise the making an index of the journals of the pro-
ceedings of the Legislature, from seventeen hundred and
seventy six, to eighteen hundred and twenty nine, be and
the same is hereby rescinded.
Passed Mar.21, 1835
No. 101.
Resolution directing a commission to be issued to Robert
H. Goldsborough, as United States Senator.
Resolved by tht General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor be, and he is hereby requested to issue a commis-
sion, in the usual form, to the Honorable Robert H. Golds-
borough, as a senator to represent this State, in the Congress
of the United States, to supply the vacancy occasioned by
the resignation of the Honorable Ezekiel F. Chambers.
Passed Jan. 10,
No. 102.
Resolution in favor of John C. Dirrickson.
WHEREAS, a resolution adopted during the present session,
authorising the Governor and Council to examine and adjust
the expenses incurred by the engineer and commissioner
in the prosecution of a survey, in view of a contemplated
work of internal improvement, between Cape Charles, on
the Chesapeake, and Cape Henlopen on the Delaware Bay,
under previous resolutions of the Legislature of this State,
does not provide for the compensation of said commissioner.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor and Council be, and they are hereby authorised
and required, to allow to John C. Dirrickson, Esquire, com-
missioner of the State on the above named survey, such,
compensation for his services, as to them shall seem justly
Passed Jan. 12,