hope that she may yet do what may not be less advanta-
geous and becoming to her than to Maryland. It would
he lamentable that false honor or strained punctilio should
be permitted to estrange these States, or prevent the free if
course of explanation and liberal and just actions among;
That State will probably be regarded by posterity, as
well as well as our cotemporaries, as most loyal to the
common welfare, and to its own honor, which shall be most
distinguished by forbearance and moderation: under the
influence of these sentiments, your committee recommend
that the "door of explanation" which Virginia seems to
consider closed upon her, by the resolutions of the last ses-
sion of the Legislature, be opened wide, by their uncon-
ditional repeal, and the discontinuance of all proceedings
under them; and that the Governor of this State be request-
ed to communicate to the government of Virginia, this in-
telligence, and to propose to re-open with that government,
a negotiation for the final adjustment of this long pending
controversy, upon the basis of the resolutions of the Ge-
neral Assembly of Maryland, passed at December session,
1831, and for these purposes your committee have proposed,
and herewith report to the House, sundry resolutions.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
resolution No. eighty, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty three, in relation to the southern and
western boundaries of this State, and the controversy on
that subject with the gtate of Virginia, be and the same are
hereby repealed, and the Attorney General of this State is
hereby directed to discontinue all proceedings under the
Resolved, That the Governor be, and he is hereby au-
thorised and requested to transmit a copy of the above re-
solution, without unnecessary delay, to His Excellency, the
Governor of Virginia, and also to communicate to the
government of Virginia, the earnest desire of the State of
Maryland, to close and finally adjust this long pending
question, by amicable negotiation.