No. 95.
Passed Mar. 21, 1835
Resolution in favor of M. C. Karney and Joseph
Resolved by the General Assembly o/ Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore, be and he is hereby au-
thorised and directed to pay to M. C. Karney, and John
McKenney, twenty dollars each, for services as assistant
committee clerks, during the present session.
No. 96.
Passed Mar. 21
Resolution in favor of William J. Ford.
Resolued by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Treasurer.of the Western Shore, pay to William J. Ford, or
order, for the use of Samuel B. Creighton, twelve dollars,
being the balance due him on the journal of accounts.
No. 97.
Resolution in favor of Everard Harr.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Sheriff of Frederick County, be, and he is hereby authorised
and required to discharge from imprisonment, Everard
Harr, charged with being the father of an illegitimate child,
provided he be not in custod for any other offence, or com-
mitted on other process.