CHAP 323
Passed Mar. 21, 1836
An act to authorise the Leasing of Lands, situate in Balti-
more County, in which Henry Payson Norris, a minor,
is interested
Provisions exten
ded o[ ]
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the provisions of the act, entitled, an act to define and en
large the powers of the courts of equity, passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty one, chapter three
hundred and eleven, be and they are hereby so far extended
to the lands lying in Baltimore county out of the limits of
the city of Baltimore, of which William Norris, Junior,
deceabed, and late of said county, died seized, and in which
Henry Payson Norris, one of his minor children is now in-
terested as a tenant in common with his coheirs, as to
allow a lease or leases of said lands or any part thereof, to
be ordered by Baltimore County Court, sitting as a court of
equity, or by the Chance for, in the manner provided by said
act, as to lands situate within the city of Baltimore
Passed Mar 31 1831
An act giving to Judge Thomas Buchanan, a per diem com-
pensation, in certain cases.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Commissioners of Washington county, be, and they are
hereby authorised and required to levy annually on the as
sessable property of said county, a sum of money for the
use of the Honorable Thomas Buchanan, associate Judge
of the filth judicial district of the State of Maryland, suffi-
$ 10 per diem
cient to pay him ten dollars per day for every day that
he shall be engaged rn holding a court of equity, in said
county, in the interval of the regular law terms, not ex
ceeding twenty days in each year, and that the sum so
levied, be paid to the said Judge, annually