Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That any premium which the
said treasurer may receive on said loan, shall be by him in
vested in the most profitable fund, and shall form a srnking
fund for the redemption of said loan, and the said directors
of the Penitentiary are hertby required to pay, out of the
profits of the institution, to the treasurer of the Western
Shore, quarterly, such sum of money as shall be equivalent
to the quarterly interest of the stock to be created in virtue
of this act, and annually, after their liquidation of thp loan
of eighteen hundred and twenty eight, or in any event, an-
nually, after the month of January, one thousand eight
hundied and forty two, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars
out of the said profits, which last mentioned sum shall he
added to the sinking fund aforesaid, and be invested, to-
CHAP 309.
gether with all interests accruing from seid investments, and
the whole amount thus invested and accumulated, shall re
mam specifically appropriated to the final redemption of the
stock and debt aforesaid
An ad to prevent the useless accumulation of Cost arising
from the publication of notices of orders passed by the
Courts, or Judges thereof in such Counties wherein no
newspaper is edited.
Passed Mar 21, 1835
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That on all applications now pending, or hereafter
to be made, for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this State,
where the applicant resides in a county where no newspaper
is published, and when the list of debts accompany such
application does not exceed five hundred dollars, it shall
and may be lawful for the county courts, or any judge
thereof, or any judge of the orphans' court, to direct notice
of such application to be given to the creditors of such ap-
plicant, in such manner and and at such places as they shall
deem effectual, to give due notice of such application, and
it shall be the duly of the several courts as aforesaid, to
pass a general rule, prescribing the duties of the applicants
in reference to the notice to be given to their creditors.
Publication of
notice of parti
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That in every case where
notice, by publication m a newspaper is requited to be made
Right of selecting