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of this act, so far as relates to Talbot county, be and the
same are hereby repealed
Sec 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the commissioners for Talbot county, and they are hereby
required to cause to be published in each of the newspapers
of the town of Easton, for four weeks successively, a copy
of this act, and also to cause their clerk to furnish a copy
thereof to each supervisor of the public roads appointed in
virtue of this act
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act to facilitate the reco-
very of Debts due from the several Banks in this State,
and to compel the said Banks to pay specie for their notes,
or forfeit their charters, passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and eighteen, chapter one hundred and se-
venty seven.
Where Bank is in
predicaement &c
Section 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That whenever, hereafter, any Bank shall refuse or
fail, on demand, to pay its notes, issues, or obligations, and
shall be in a condition to be proceeded against as authorised
by the act of Assembly, of December session, of the year
eighteen hundred and eighteen, chapter one hundred and
seventy seven, such Bank, or any commissioner or commis-
sioners appointed under said last mentioned act, or any trus-
tee or trustees appointed under any decree of Court, or deed
Notes to be received
of trust, for the benefit of the creditors of said Bank, or
any sheriff or other officer, shall not receive, in payment or
discharge of any debt due to said Bank, any notes, issues
or certificates of deposite, issued by said Bank, or any claim
agarnat said Bank, unless where the same shall have been
held by the debtor at the tune of refusing or failing to pay
as aforesaid, and being liable to be proceeded against as
afore aid
Appointment of
Sec. 2 And be it enacted, That when any such Bank
shall appoint any trustee or trustees for the benefit of the
creditors of such Bank, the Chancellor or any County
Court, as a court of Equity, shall or may, in his or their
discretron, appoint, in place oi such trustee or trustees, or
any of them, any other person or persons, who shall be no