ed they do not exceed the sum of two hundred dollars in any
one year.
CHAP. 304.
Sec, 2. And be it enacted, That if any supervisor appoint-
ed in virtue of this act, shall neglect or refuse to render a
true account of all work done upon the public roads, within
his section, and of all timber furnished under his orders,
whereby the parties laboring or furnishing timber under his
order, shall not be credited in their county taxes, for their
Supervospr neglect-
ing to render
services thus rendered, the said supervisor so neglecting or
refusing, shall become responsible to the party or parties
aggrieved; for the whole amount omitted to be returned by
the said supervisor to the commissioners, to be by them re-
corded as small debts are now recoverable; but may, if paid
by the said supervisor, be levied in his favor the following
year, exclusive of all costs; and whereas, there are many
male free negroes and mulattoes, residing in the said county,
who neither pay taxes nor perform militia duties, and it
being reasonable they should contribute something towards
repairing the public roads of which they have the benefit
and advantage, Therefore,
Sec. 13. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be
lawful for any supervisor in said county, within whose sec-
tion of road any free negro or mulatto may reside, to call on
each of them, not being under eighteen nor over forty five
years of age, (excepting all such as are employed by the
year, by a taxable inhabitant) to labor in repairing said pub-
lic roads: Provided, that it shall not be lawful for any super-
visor to call on any such free negro or mulatto, to labor
more than one day in any one year.
Free negroes re-
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That if any free negro or
refuse or neglect to attend at the time and place appointed
by such supervisor, or upon attending shall neglect to per-
form the duties required of him, the same being reasonable,
such free negro or mulatto so neglecting or refusing, shall
pay a fine not exceeding fifty cents, to be recovered at the
instance of such supervisior in the name of the State, before
ajuRtice of the peace, and to be paid over by the said super-
visor, to the commissioners for the county, to be by them
applied for defraying the expenses of keeping in repair the
public roads of said county.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That from and after the
first Monday in April next, all and every act or acts of
Assembly, inconsistent with or repugnant to the provisions