CHAP. 14.
Passed Jan. 20, 1835
An act to condemn a lot of ground for the repairs of the
causeway at the drawbridge in Dorchester county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly, by
the petition of a number of citizens of Dorchester county,
that the public causeway leading through the marsh to the
drawbridge, in said county, is in bad condition, and that
earth in sufficient quantity effectually to repair the same can-
not be had, without encroaching too much on private and
individual rights; they pray that a law may pass authorising
the condemnation of a lot ground for the purpose of keeping
said causeway in repair: Therefore,
duties oath
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the judges of the Levy court of Dorchester
county, be, and they are hereby authorised and required to
appoint three commissioners, which said commissioners, or a
majority of them shall be authorised and empowered to sur-
vey, locate, and condemn, a lot of ground, most convenient
to the causeway leading through the marsh to the drawbridge
in said county, not exceeding one acre, for the use and benefit
of said county, to keep said causeway in order and repair:
provided, that the said lot of ground, as aforesaid surveyed,
located and condemned shall not interfere with, or affect the
yards, gardens, orchards or buildings of any person, without
the consent of the owner or owners thereof, and provided
the said commissioners be first sworn or affirmed as the case
may be, before some justice of the peace for the county,
that they will truly and faithfully discharged the trust repos-
ed in them without prejudice, favor, or partiality.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall cause to be made out a plot of the lot of ground as
aforesaid surveyed, located and condemned, to be lodged
in the clerks office of Dorchester county there to remain in
perpetual testimony of the aforesaid survey, location and
Sec. 3, And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
or a majority of them, shall value and assess the damages
sustained by any person or persons, whose lands may be
affected by the survey, location, and condemnation, and the
damages so as aforesaid assessed, together with all the ne-
cessary expenses, shall be returned fay the said commission,
era, to the Levy court of Dorchester county, to be by them
levied on the taxable inhabitants of said county.