CHAP 158
Passed Mar 11, 183
5 An act for Incorporating the Deer Park Academy, in Balti-
more County.
WHEREAS, application has been made to this General
Assembly of Maryland, for the passage of a law to incor-
porate the Deer Park Academy, in Baltimore county —
Corporation crea
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Upton S. Heath, William Whalen, Thomas
Stocksdale, Richard Mallilieu, Edmund Stocksdale, junior,
Sylvester Bazeman, George H Krebs, John Knight, Philip
Gore, and such others as may hereafter become contributors,
shall be and they are hereby declared to be one community,
corporation and body politic, with perpetual succession in
deed and in law, to all intents and purposes connected with
the said institution, by the name and style of the Deer Park
Academy, by which name and title, they and their succes-
sors shall be competent and capable in law and in equity, to
take and hold to themselves and their successors, for the use
of the said Academy, and estate in messuages, lands and
tenements, annuities, goods, chattels, moneys or effects, by
the gift, grant, or bargain, sale, conveyance, devise, or
bequest of any person or persons whatsoever, provided, the
same do not exceed in the whole, the clear y early value of
five thousand dollars, and the same messuages, lands and
tenements, and other estates, real or personal, to farm and
let, and put out at interest, for the use of said Academy, in
such manner as to them, or a majority of them, shall seem
most beneficial to the institution, and to receive the rents,
Application direc-
issues, profits, income and interests of the same, and to apply
the emoluments thereof to the proper use and advancement
of the said Academy.
Sec 2 And be it enacted, That at all times forever
hereafter, when any vacancy or vacancies shall happen in
the said community of trustees, by the death, resignation,
or refusal of any one or more of the members thereof, or by
the wilful neglect of any one or more of them, to attend
the meetings of the Board of Trustees, for the space of one
year, the remaining Trustees, or a majority of them, shall
with all convenient speed, proceed to elect by ballot, other
sensible and discreet person or persons, of the said county,
to be trustee or trustees to supply such vacancy or vacancies,
and in like manner shall all future vacancies be supplied by