ants of Baltimore City and County, the sum of five thou
sand dollars, in equal moieties, and that it shall be the duty
of the Commissioners of Baltimore county, to levy the
County's proportion of the said sum upon the inhabitants
and property thereof, without the limits of the city of Bal-
timore, and pay over the same, annually, to the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, until Baltimore county shall
have paid her proportion of the principal and interest of
the said stock.
CHAP 151
Sec 5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
under this act, may appoint and pay a clerk to keep their
accounts and proceedings, and that an exact account of all
monies they may disburse shall be reported to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, and when the objects of
their appointment are accomplished, the said commissioners
shall file all their books, papers, and accounts, with the Re-
gister of the city of Baltimore
Clerk - acccounts-
Sec 6 And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Baltimore county be, and they are hereby authorised, forth-
with to erect a temporary roof over the Court House of the
City and County of Baltimore, and pay for the same, and
that the cost thereof shall be assessed as in other cases of
joint assessment, between the city and county of Balti-
Temporary roof
Sec 7 And be it enacted, That if, at any time hereafter,
a separation should take place between Baltimore City and
County, and a county town and Court House erected in
Baltimore county, without the limits of the city of Balti
more, the whole estate in the present Court House, shall be
vested in the city of Baltimore, upon the payment to Balti-
more county of one half of the value thereof
Case of separation
of city and coun-
Sec 8. And be it enacted, That if, at any time hereafter,
a vacancy should happen in the Board of Commissioners
hereby created, either by death, refusal to serve, or resig-
nation, and the vacancy should occur in the county, it shall
be filled by the Commissioners of Baltimore County, and if
such vacancy should happen in the city of Baltimore, it
shall be filled by the Mayor of the city of Baltimore