CHAP. 85.
of the preceding May, and the time oT granting each li-
cense: Provided always, that any person who may have
obtained a license under said act, since the first day of May
last, shall have the option of using, exercising or following,
his trade or pursuit or calling under the same, until the ex-
piration of one year after the actual issuing of the same, in
lieu of the deduction or ratable allowance accorded to him.
Persons com-
mencing in the
course of the vent
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That any person or persons
who shall commence at any time in the course of the year,
shall be entitled to, and may obtain a license from the clerk
of the county or city court, as the case may be, on paying
therefor a ratable allowance, and every such license shall be
limited to, and expire on the first day of May next there-
List of licenses
to be furnished to
grand juries.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the several clerks of this state issuing licenses under this
act, or the act to which it is a supplement, to furnish to the
grand juries of their respective courts, a list of all the li-
censes issued by them, in which shall be specified the peri-
od at which the same was actually granted or issued.
Partial repeal
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the second section of
the act to which this is a supplement, so far as it requires
that the clerk issuing the same, shall specify the place at
which the same is to be used, shall be and the same is here-
by repealed as to hucksters, and all others coming within
the operation of said act, whose occupation or pursuit exer-
cised or followed under said license, is in its nature transi-
tory, or carried on by removal from stand to stand, or from
place to place, and that all such licenses may be issued ge-
nerally as before the passage of said act; Provided always,
that any such license shall not authorise the licensee to use
the same at more than any one stand or place at one and the
same period.
Widows, &c. au-
thorised to sell in
certain cases
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That in case of the death of
any person or persons who may have taken out a license
under the original act to which this is a supplement, it shall
be lawful for the widow, executor or administrator, to sell
under the said license for the residue of the year foi which
the same shall have been granted, any thing in the said act
to the contrary notwithstanding.
No license neces-
sary for selling
cakes &c.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contain-
ed shall be construed to require persons to take out license,
who sell only cakes, bread, beer or cider, apples, water-me-
lons, chesnuts and other domestic fruits, or any or all of
said articles.
Certain rights ex-
tended to keepers
of ordinariees
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the right of removal,
with a view to a permanent settlement, secured to retailers
by the first proviso of the second section of the said act,
be and it is hereby extended, upon the same conditions, to