the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and extending partly of
entirely through the county in a northern direction, would
be of great value, not only as concerns general commerce
and navigation, but especially in reference to supplies el
lumber and fuel from the inexhaustible western forests and
coal mines, whereby immense bodies of highly fertile land,
now reserved for the growth of timber, might be brought
sources of the state as of individuals; therefore,
CHAP. 6.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That a company shall be established for the pur-
pose of making said canal, which shall be so constructed as
o pass through or adjoining to the city of Frederick, the
capital stock whereof shall be fifty thousand dollars, divid-
ed into two thousand five hundred shares of twenty dollars
each, and that subscriptions to constitute said slock shall be
taken as soon after the passage of this act as the commissi-
oners herein after named shall deem expedient; and that
John Schley, Richard Potts, John Brengle, William M. Beall
md Stuart Gaither, be appointed commissioners for that pur-
pose, of whom a majority shall have power to act. and that sub-
scription books in the words following, or to the same effect,
viz. We whose names are here underwritten, promise to
pay, according to the provisions of an act, entitled, An act
or the construction of a canal through Frederick county,
he sums of money to which the shares of stock respectively
he space of two days, and for any longer lime, if the same
be deemed necessary by said commissioners; and when sub-
he capital, the subscribers, their heirs and assigns, shall be,
and are hereby declared to be, incorporated into a company
ind body politic, by the name and style of The Frederick
County Canal Company, and shall thereupon be authorised
o go into operation as such; and the books may be re-opened
by the president and directors of said company, for the
completion of said capital, at such times and places as they
shall think fit.
Company estab-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
hall give at least thirty days notice of the time and place of
opening said books for subscriptions, the same to be publish-
ed in at least two newspapers printed in said city of Fre-
derick; and that each subscriber, at the time of subscribing,
shall pay into the hands of said commissioners one dollar
for each share of stock for which he shall subscribe, to be
paid over by the commissioners, after deducting necessary
expenses, to the president and directors of said company;
and that the further sum of nineteen dollars on each share
of stock shall be paid to the president and directors of said
company, in instalments not exceeding two dollars, at such
Notice to be given
of time of open-
ing books