CHAP. 53.
authorised and empowered, to levy on the assessable pro-
perty of the county aforesaid, annually, a sum of money not
exceeding twenty-five dollars, payable by the collector to
Mary Hooker the mother of the said Henrietta Booker, or
her order, or in case of the death of the said Mary Book-
er, to the person who shall satisfy the collector of Queen-
Anne's county, that he, she or them, have supported the said
Henrietta Booker for the current year, or their order.
Passed Feb. 14, 1829
An Act to authorise William Trager to erect a Pier on
Drew's Bar, lying in the Chesapeake Buy, between
Rumney Creek and Still Pond, in Harford Coun-
WHEREAS, it appears to the general assembly of Mary-
land, from the petition of William Trager, of Harford
county, that a special warrant of survey in his name was
granted out of the western shore land office of the state of
Maryland, for the quantity of five acres of vacant land, and
that the said warrant has been executed, and a certificate
of survey returned into the said land-office, by which it ap-
pears that the land affected by said warrant contains seven
and a quarter acres, and is called Drew's Bar: And where-
as, some doubts have arisen as to the validity of the title
of the said William Trager to the said Drew's Bar, in con-
sequence of its being some time covered with water: And
whereas, it is the object and desire of the said Trager to
erect a pier on the said bar, for the purpose of establishing
a fishery, from which no injury or inconvenience can pos-
sibly result, but on the contrary it is believed that the erec-
tion of said pier will be exceedingly beneficial to the small
craft navigating the Chesapeake Bay, as it will at all times
afford them a land mark, which will greatly facilitate their
Authorised to e-
rect a pier
passage and safety.
Sec. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the said William Trager be and he is
hereby authorised to erect, on Drew's Bar, lying in the
Chesapeake Bay, in Harford county, between Still Pond
and Rumney Creek, a pier to be used for the purpose of
a fishery, provided said pier shall not exceed the size of two
hundred feet square, and provided it shall be erected on
some part of said bar not accessible to the small craft which
navigate the Chesapeake Bay; Provided, nothing herein
contained shall affect any private right acquired prior to the
passage of this act.