CHAP. 48.
might have, hold, take, possess or enjoy the same, if he
were a naturalized citizen of the United States.
Passed Feb 13, 1829
An Act to authorise the Levy Court of Somerset County
to levy a sum of money for the use of Mason Abbot,
of said County.
Levy may be made
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the levy court of Somerset county be and
they are hereby authorised to examine a claim of the said
Mason Abbot, for keeping and supporting in Somerset coun-
ty gaol sundry slaves, the property of the late Solomon
Dorman, who is represented to have died insolvent, which
slaves had petitioned for their freedom; and if they shall
think the said claim reasonable, and shall find that the said
Abbot has not already been, in whole or in part, compen-
sated for the same, they are authorised and directed to levy
such sum as they shall find due him, on the assessable pro-
perty of said county, for the use of the said Abbot, which
shall be collected and paid over to the said Abbot, by the
collector of said county, as other county charges are levied
and paid.
Passed Feb 11,1829
A Supplement to an act, entitled, Arc act for the amend-
ment of the Law, passed at December Session eighteen
hundred and eleven, chapter one hundred and sixty-
Persons arrested
and permitted to
go at large may be
again arrested, &c
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That it shall and may be lawful for any sheriff, or
other officer, who shall have lawfully arrested any person in
virtue of any attachment or capias, and permitted such per-
son to go at large after such arrest, at any time before or on
term of the court to which the same is or shall be returna-
ble, again to arrest such person in virtue of the same attach-
ment or capias, for the purpose of producing such person
before the court, judge or justice, before whom such capias
or attachment shall be returnable; and such second arrest
shall be as available and justifiable in law as the original or
first arrest, and the officer making such second arrest, shall
have the same power and right to detain or hold to bail the
person so arrested, as he had, or could have had, in virtue
of the first service of such capias or attachment, any thing
in any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstand-