Passed Feb. 27, 1830.
No. 63.
A Resolution providing for the payment of accounts for newspapers
the Members of the Legislature.
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Gideon Pearce, Chief
Clerk of the House of Delegates, and Louis Gassaway, Chief
Clerk of the Senate, out of any unappropriated money in the
Treasury, the several amounts of such accounts as may, from
time to time, be presented to him by said clerks, for the newspapers
they may have furnished for the use of the Members
of their respective Houses, in accordance with the orders
adopted for that purpose, by said Houses.
Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
No. 64.
A Resolution in favor of Thomas Evans, of Frederick county,
who was a soldier of the revolution.
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Thomas Evans, of
Frederick county, or to his order, during life, in quarter yearly
payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private,
as a further remuneration for his services during the revolutionary
Resolved , That the Register
of the Land Office for the
Western Shore be, and he is hereby authorised and directed
to issue to Thomas Evans, of Frederick county, soldier of
the revolution, a common warrant for fifty acres of vacant
land, lying to the westward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany
county, and to issue a patent for the said quantity of acres of
land, upon a certificate of the survey thereof, duly returned,
without requiring payment, or proof of payment, of any
composition money therefor.
Passed Mar. 1, 1830.
No. 65.
A Resolution to reimburse John Quynn, the money advanced
for sawing wood for the use of both Houses during the
present session.
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to John Quynn, the sum
of ten dollars, being the amount paid by him for sawing wood
for the use of both branches of the General Assembly, at this
present session.