No. 33.
A Resolution in favor of Richard Coe, of Prince George's
an old revolutionary soldier.
Passed Feb. 26, 1930.
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Richard Coe, of
Prince George's county, an old revolutionary soldier, or to
his order, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a sergeant,
in quarter-yearly payments, as a further remuneration for his
services during the revolutionary war.
No. 34.
Resolutions providing for the relief of the securities of Daniel
H. Bingham, in a bond given to the State for the payment
of rent that may be due by him, for the use of the state's
property, in Frederick city, and also for the preservation
and safe keeping of said property.
Passed Feb. 20, 1830.
Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas
Carlton, Samuel Barnes, George M. Eichelberger and John
L. Harding, the securities of D. H. Bingham, in a certain bond
given to the state of Maryland, for the payment of rent that
may be due by him, for the use of the state's property, (the
barrocks,) in Frederick city, under resolution Number seventy-nine,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and
twenty-seven, be, and they are hereby released from all responsibility
to the state in virtue of said bond, upon the condition,
that they pay into the treasury the amount of rents accruing
on the said property, since the same has come into
their possession, upon to the first day of March next, Provided
nevertheless, That the securities of the said D. H. Bingham,
shall be released from the claims of the state, for rent on the
said property, upon their releasing to the state all claims of
the said D. H. Bingham, or the said securities, or his assigns,
for all repairs and improvements, which have been made by
by the said Bingham while he occupied the same.
And be it further resolved, That
the state's property in Frederick
city, known as the barrocks, be, and the same shall after
the first day of March next, be placed under the care and
control of the Mayor of said city, upon the condition that he
shall expend all the rents and profits accruing on said property,
for the repair, improvement and preservation of the same;
Provided, that the state may at its discretion resume its occupancy
and control over the same.