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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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1829.                                                                    LAWS OF MARYLAND.

  CHAP. 227.  
hands, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars, in the
improvement of a certain lot of ground (part of the estate
of said deceased) lying on Pratt street, between Commerce
and Patterson streets, in the said city, in such manner, as the
said Court shall deem most conducive to the advancement of
the interests of the heirs of the said deceased.


                                        CHAPTER 228.

An act for the benefit of Tabitha Swearingen, of Frederick

Removal specified,

    Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
the following negro slaves:—Matilda, Levi, Richard and James,
conveyed by Tobitha Swearingen, by deed of trust, to George
Beall, of Frederick county, for the use of her daughter, the
wife of Edmund Wagner, shall not be entitled to their freedom
by reason of their removal into this state by Wagner, or
said Tobitha Swearingen, without having rendered a list of
said slaves in the manner directed by the act of seventeen hundred
and ninety-six, chapter sixty-seven, and the act of eighteen
hundred and four, chapter ninety, and the act of eighteen
hundred and eighteen, chapter two hundred and one; but the
right and title of said trustee for the uses in said deed mentioned,
shall be as good and available in law, to all intents and
purposes, as if the said Tabitha Swearingen or Edmund
Wagner, for her, at the time of removing said negro slaves,
Matilda, Levi and Richard, into this State, had rendered a list
of said negro slaves in the manner directed by the above recited
acts, and had in every other respect complied with the
provisions and regulations of the acts of Assembly, Provided,
That the owner or owners of said slaves shall not have the
right to manumit or sell said slaves, within three years from
the time of their removal:  Provided, that nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to effect any right or title to
freedom which the said negroes may have acquired under the
laws of this state, and to secure which right or title to feedom
a petition may be now pending.


                                        CHAPTER 229.

           An act to divorce Rebecca Wilson and James Wilson.
Marriage annulled.
    Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
the marriage between Rebecca Wilson, of Montgomery county,
and James Wilson, be, and the same is hereby declared absolutely

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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