An act to repeal certain acts relating to Worcester county, and
for other purposes.
CHAP. 161.
Passed Feb. 26, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all and every acts or act heretofore passed, which
direct the levy court of Worcester county to levy any sum on
said county for the support of any indigent person, be and the
same are hereby repealed, Provided, that all pensions now authorized
by law shall continue to be paid to the end of the
current year, for which the same has been granted.
Former acts repealed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That from and after the passage
of this act, all applications for relief by county assessment in
said county, shall be made to the Trustees of the Poor thereof,
who shall examine into the merits of such application, and
if in their judgment any such applicant requires relief, they
are hereby authorised and directed to certify the same to the
levy court of said county, who shall levy such sum as in their
discretion they may think proper, not exceeding the sum of
thirty dollars for any one person, which sum when levied shall
be collected and paid over as other county charges in said
county, to the person for whom the same has been levied, or
to his or her order.
Proceedings on
future applications
for relief.
An additional supplement to the act entitled, an act to introduce
water into the city of Frederick.
Passed Feb. 26, 1830.
WHEREAS, It is represented to this General
Assembly, that
the Frederick Water Works, which have been constructed at
a large expence, a considerable portion of which remains unpaid,
are greatly trespassed upon, insomuch that they are daily
becoming of less value: For remedy where,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That if
any inhabitant of said city, or other person, such other person
being first duly cautioned, shall use or in any wise meddle
with the water of the company incorporated by the name of
the President and Directors of the Frederick Water Company,
whether obtained from hydrants or otherwise, such inhabitant
or [persons,] not being a water renter at the time, or licenced by
said President and Directors, shall forfeit and pay, for every
offence, a fine, not exceeding six dollars; to be recovered by
said President and Directors, in an action of debt on warrant
and execution, before a justice of the peace for Frederick
Penalty for meddling