CHAP. 154.
as aforesaid; and whereas the commissioners of Baltimore
county, are authorised and required to make a separate levy
annually, on the assessable property of the county, for the
benefit of certain individuals who ought to be placed under
the authority of the Trustees of the poor aforesaid, as all
other indigent persons of said county are: Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
all such parts of the act passed at December session eighteen
hundred and twenty seven, chapter one hundred and sixty-three,
entitled, an act for the relief of sundry poor persons in
the several counties therein mentioned; and also all such parts
of the act passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-eight, chapter one hundred and sixty-eight, entitled,
an act for the relief of sundry poor persons in the several
counties therein mentioned as relates to Baltimore county, be,
and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 23, 1830.
An act to lay out and open a Road, from Harne's Old Field,
in Baltimore County to Lisbon, in Anne Arundel County.
Persons to lay out
and open, &c.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Porteus Gillis, James Hood, (of John,) and Nicholas
D. Warfield, of Baltimore county, and Charles D. Warfield,
and John Watson, of Anne Arundel county be and they
are hereby appointed Commissioners to survey, lay out, and
open a road, not exceeding thirty feet in width, in the best and
straightest direction, taking all circumstances into consideration,
from the Old Liberty road at or near Harne's Old Field,
in Baltimore county, thence to the fork-roads, in said Old
Fields; thence to the mouth of Allen Banks's Spring Branch,
on Parris' Falls; thence to the Old Frederick road; and thence
to the village of Lisbon, in Anne Arundel county; and the said
Commissioners shall make out a plot of that part of the road
through Baltimore county, and a plot of that part of the road
through Anne Arundel county, and return the same to the
clerk of the respective counties, for which the same is made
out, to be recorded among the records of said county; and
the said roads, when so opened, shall be kept in repair in the same
manner as other public roads are directed to be kept in said
counties; Provided, that this act shall have no effect, unless the
proprietors through whose land the said road is to be laid out,
give their assent in writing to the same.
Expenses defrayed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That the expences of surveying
and opening said road, shall be paid by the several counties
through which it may be located, in proportion to the distance