to be called the Steward to the Governor, who shall
hold his
office during the pleasure of the Governor.
CHAP. 153.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That the said Steward to the
Governor, immediately on receiving his said appointment,
shall take an oath before some justice of the peace of the state
of Maryland, faithfully and honestly to discharge all the duties
of his said office which shall hereafter be described by
this act, and shall enter into bond with security to be approved
by the Governor, in the penalty of five thousand dollars, to
perform the duties which shall be by this act prescribed for
him to perform.
Oath and bond.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That the said Steward to the Governor,
immediately on the reception of his appointment, shall
proceed to make an inventory of all and singular the goods
and chattles, household and kitchen furniture, and all and singular,
the utensils, of husbandry, of the state of Maryland,
which are kept [ ] and about his government house and establishment,
for the use of the Governor, with the value of each [each]
article, which said inventory shall be returned to the Legislature
of Maryland on the third Monday after the meeting of
the Legislature, which shall happen thereafter, and in like
manner, an inventory shall be made and returned to the Legislature
by the said Steward, on the third Monday of every session
which shall happen hereafter, forever.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the duty of the
said Steward to the Governor, at the same time to make and
return to the Legislature, an inventory of all articles which
shall be broken, destroyed or in any manner displaced, with
the value thereof, which said inventory shall be a fair and
proper credit to the said Steward, but all articles which cannot
be fairly and properly accounted for by the said Steward,
shall be a fair and proper charge of the state of Maryland against
the said Steward.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted,
That the said Steward shall receive
for his services, annually, the sum of two hundred and
fifty dollars, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the
treasury, and it shall be the duty of said Steward to reside in
the government house in the absence of the Governor, and occupy
such apartments as shall be by the Governor assigned to
An act to repeal a part of certain Acts therein mentioned.
Passed Feb. 23, 1830.
WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Poor for
Baltimore city
and county, have ample powers, under the existing laws, to
grant out-pensions, to all indigent persons in the city and county