CHAP. 123.
Passed Feb. 22, 1830.
An act relating to a Bridge over Binam's Run, in Harford
Contract confirmed.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the contract made by the Commissioners of Harford county
with Preston M. Comas and Hannah his wife, for land for the
site of a Bridge over Binam's run in said county, and for a
Road from each end of said Bridge, to intersect the public
Road leading from Belle Air to Hubert's Cross Roads in said
county, be and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the site
of said Bridge and the Roads from each end thereof, be held
and used by the public as other public highways.
Passed Feb. 22, 1830.
An act altering and changing the name of Lewis Cullember, to
Lewis Harrison.
Name changed.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of Lewis Cullember, of Calvert county,
be, and the same is hereby altered and changed to Lewis Harrison,
and it shall be lawful for the said Lewis Harrison at all
times hereafter, to be called and known by and hold and use
the name of Lewis Harrison, and by the name of Lewis Harrison,
to purchase, sell, convey, or demise, to sue and be sued
in any court of law or equity.
Acts confirmed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That all securities, promises, contracts,
assurances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever, hereafter
to be made or done, by or to the said Lewis Cullember by
the name of Lewis Harrison, shall be of the same force and effect
and equally available to all intents and purposes, as if the
same Lewis Harrison had been his true and proper name.
Rights confirmed.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That all rights and privileges
which are now enjoyed by the said Lewis Cullember, and that
to all liabilities to which he is now subject under the name of
Lewis Cullember, be and the same are hereby continued and
extended to him under the name of Lewis Harrison.
Passed Feb. 22, 1830.
An act to authorise the transcribing of certain docket and record
books of Harford county court.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to
this General Assembly,
by the grand jury of Harford county, at August term,