to fill such vacancy, which election shall be by ballot,
conduced as follows, to wit: every subscriber to said institution
shall be entitled to one vote for every five dollars by him
or her subscribed and paid, and the person having a majority
of votes, shall be declared the trustee to fill such vacancy;
Provided, That no person but a male subscriber shall be a
trustee; and the trustees shall record in a book provided for that
purpose, the names of all persons who shall subscribe to said
institution, and the amount subscribed by each; and the right
to vote at any such election may be assigned or transferred by
a simple transfer or assignment in writing, under the hand of
the party, attested by one or more witnesses.
CHAP. 80.
An act to authorise Walter Latimer, of Charles County, to remove
two negroes, therein
mentioned, into this State.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful, for said Walter Latimer, to remove
negroes John and [Jimmy,] into this State, from the State of
Virginia, and said negroes shall not be entitled to their freedom,
by such removal, any laws of this State to the contrary
notwithstanding; Provided nevertheless, that nothing in this act
contained, shall be construed to effect any right or claim to
freedom, of the said negroes, arising from their importation
into this State, before the passage of this act, or for any other
Authorised to remove.
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act supplementary to an act
for the opening of Pratt Street, passed at December session
1828, chapter 88.
Passed Feb. 20, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the provisions contained
in the eighth section of the act to which this is a supplement,
be extended to vessels landing tobacco, at the State
Tobacco Warehouse, situated on Light street wharf, in the
city of Baltimore.
Provision extended.
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