levy court, and all monies, books of accounts, vouchers
and other
papers in possession of the clerk or any other person, acting
under the said levy court, and also all the papers, books of accounts,
vouchers and other papers, in the hands of the commissioners
of the tax, when the commissioners shall be qualified to act as
herein before provided, and each of the said commissioners
shall be entitled to receive two dollars per day, for every day
he shall necessarily attend to the duties of his office, and twelve
and a half cents for every mile over ten miles, for necessary
travelling from his usual residence to Hagerstown, and returning
therefrom, in attending to his duties as commissioner.
CHAP. 21
Compensation to
Sec. 10. And be it enacted,
That so much of any acts of
Assembly, as may be contrary to, or inconsistent with the provisions
of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted,
That the said commissioners
shall, and may at any time, during each and every and every]
year, make, complete and close their levy, any law to the contrary
notwithstanding; and that all suits, law at or in equity,
which may be pending at the passage of this act, by or against
the justices of the levy court of said county, shall be carried
on in like manner and have the same legal effect, either in
favor or against the commissioners, [providing] for by this act,
as if such suit or suits had been instituted by or against the
said commissioners.
——— |
A supplement to the act, entitled ' an act to authorise the persons
therein named, to build a Methodist meeting house on the public
ground in Chester town, in Kent county,' passed at November
session 1801, chapter 37.
Passed Jan. 20, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Robert Constable, remaining trustee, together with Ebinezer
Blackiston Nathaniel Michell, Edward Ringold Peter Granger,
Richard W. Pippin, John Barbage, James Mansfield, jr.
Richard Baker, being regular members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, and duly qualified according to the discipline
thereof, are hereby appointed trustees for the purpose mentioned
in the said act to which this is a supplement, and who
shall have all the power and authorities by said act given or
granted to Dr. James Anderson, senior, William Hamor, William
McKenney, William Harris and Peter Snider and their
Trustees named.