CHAP. 21.
Vacancies supplied.
aforesaid, the number of votes given in their respective
for a commissioners as aforesaid; and the Judges of the
several election districts, in said county, when met at the Court
House of the said county, to ascertain and certify the election
of Delegates as aforesaid, for commissioners as aforesaid, in
the said election districts, respectively, and by a certificate to
be filed in the office of the Clerk of the said county Court of
said county, and which shall be by said Clerk recorded, certify
in a form similar to a certificate of the election of Delegates,
that the seven persons by name, residents respectively,
of the seven election districts in said county, who they shall
ascertain [receive] the greatest number of votes in the districts
in which they so severally reside, are duly elected commissioners
for Washington county, to serve for a period of two years
from the date of the said election, and if any commissioner
so elected, shall die, resign, refuse or neglect, for twenty days
after said election, to qualify as commissioner under this act,
or shall remove from said county, at any time within the period
for which he shall have been elected, the Governor and
Council shall appoint a person qualified as hereinbefore provided,
in case of an original election, to fill his place until
the next annual election for Delegates to the General Assembly,
when the said voters of the district in which such [commissioners]
so dying, resigning, refusing or neglecting to qualify,
or removing from the county as aforesaid, was elected,
shall vote in like manner as at first, for another person with
like qualifications, as such [commissioners,] to serve for the
residue of his said term.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That every commissioner elected
or appointed as aforesaid, shall before he enters on the duties
of his office, take and subscribe, before some Judge or
Justice of the Peace, an oath or affirmation, that he will faithfully,
dilligently and impartially, exercise the powers and perform
the duties of commissioner for Washington county, as
authorised and enjoined by law, according to the best of his
skill and judgment, without being influenced by favour, affection,
hatred, malice or ill will, and that he will in making all
appointments to office, vote for such persons among those willing
to accept, as in his judgment and belief shall be most capable
and best qualified to perform the duties of such office,
which oath or affirmation shall be recorded in a book to be
kept among the records of Washington county.
Corporate powers.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That the commissioners elected
or appointed as aforesaid, and their electors shall be, and
they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by
the name, stile and title, of the commissioners of Washington
county, and by that name shall have continued and perpetual
succession, and be capable in law of suing and being sued, of
making and using a corporate seal, and of altering the same,