CHAP. 2.
Passed Jan 12, 1829
An Act to allow Adam Robb, Executor of Upton Beall,
late Clerk of Montgomery County Court, further time
to complete certain Records.
Time extended
for completing
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the time allowed to Upton Ball, late clerk of
Montgomery county court, by the judges thereof, to com-
plete the recording of certain judgments and proceedings, be
extended to his executor, Adam Robb, until the first day of
January eighteen hundred and thirty-one, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Jan 15, 1829
An Act to extend the time of taking the Bond of Thomas
W. Morgan, Sheriff of Saint Mary's County.
Time extended
for taking bond
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the chief judge of Saint Mary's county court, or
any one of the associate judges, be and he is hereby autho-
rised and empowered, to take the bond of Thomas W. Mor-
gan, sheriff of Saint Mary's county, and approve of the se-
curities, on or before the twenty-fifth day of February next,
in the same manner and form as is prescribed by law; which
said bond, when so taken as aforesaid, and recorded accord-
ing to law, shall have the same effect, validity and operation,
to every intent and purpose, as if the same had been taken
within the time now prescribed by law.
Passed Jan 20,1829
An Act to incorporate the American Insurance Compa-
ny of Baltimore.
WHEREAS sundry persons within this state have formed
themselves into a company for the insurance of ships and
merchandise, and lending money on bottomry and respon-
Company incor-
dentia, and have prayed to be incorporated by law; therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That William Patterson, Thomas Wilson, John S.
Donnell, Alexander Macdonald, William Lorman, John B.
Howell, James Beatty, Samuel J. Donaldson. William M'Do-
nald, John S. Hollins, William W. Taylor, Alexander
Fridge, A. J. Schwartze, Justus Hoppe, Luke Tierman,
Nicholas G. Ridgely, Talbot Jones, James Wilson, Benja-
min D. Higilon, their associates, and such other persons as
shall hereafter become stockholders in said company, shall
be, and are hereby created and declared to be, a body poli-
tic and corporate, by the name, style and title, of The Ame-
rican Insurance Company of Baltimore, and by the same