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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 286   View pdf image (33K)
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&c. the court may by an order to be pub-
lished, &c. direct such infant to appear;
and if the infant does not appear, the
court may order the bill to be taken pro


confesso, and decree, &c.
The county courts within the six judi-
cial districts to be held in each county at
the times following:
In Saint-Mary's county on the first
Monday in March and August.
In Charles county on the third Mon-
day in March and August.
In Prince-George's county on the first
Monday' in April and second Monday in
In Cecil county on the first Monday
in April and third Monday of October.
In Kent county on the third Monday
in March and September.

Monday in Mav and third Monday of
In Talbot county on the third Monday
in May and third Monday in November
In Calvert county on the second Mon-
day in May and October.

Monday in April and fourth Monday o
In Montgomery county on the firs
Monday in March and second Monday
in November.
In Caroline county on the second Mon
day in March and October.
In Dorchester county on the first Mon
day in April and fourih Monday in Oc-
In Somerset county on the third Mon
day in May and fourth Monday of No

In Worcester county on the seconc
Monday in May and the second Monday
of November.
In Frederick county on the fourt
Monday in February and October.
In Washington county on the fourt
Monday in March and third Monday i
In Allegany county on the third Mon
day in April and second Monday in Oc


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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 286   View pdf image (33K)
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