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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 285   View pdf image (33K)
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The judges of the county courts of the
fourth judicial district, or any one of
them, in vacation, empowered, either be-
fore or after a decree, to pass any order
which may be necessary to bring a cause
to a final hearing, or to carry a decree al-


ready passed into final effect,
——— Some one of the associate judges
to attend at the court-house of Somerset
county at some day (to be appointed by
the court,) between the several sessions
of the court, who shall have power to
make all necessary orders, &c. Duty of

the clerk to attend the said judge, &c.
One of the judges of any county court,
in the vacation or recess of the court,
may approve the bond, and securities
thereto, of a trustee appointed by the


The act of 1827, ch. 47, requiring one
of the judges of the fifth judicial district
to attend at the court house in Allegany
county at some day between the several


sessions of their court, &c. repealed,
The acts of 1823, ch 181, and 1826,
ch. 2, respecting the equity business in
the county courts of the first judicial dis-
trict, repealed; and the judges to attend
on clays to be appointed. Their powers


and duties prescribed,
An additional salary allowed to the
judges of Baltimore county court, for


certain services,
Regulations respecting the times of
holding Baltimore county court, and for


the dispatch of business therein,
The several county courts to appoint
commissioners to take the depositions of


witnesses in civil cases,
In suits on the equity side of the coun-
ty courts for the sale of the estate of any
deceased person for the payment of debts
or legacies, or for the sale of any mort-
gaged premises, or to foreclose a mort-
gage, or to compel a conveyance of real
estate, any infant defendant, a resident of
the state, against whom process hath is-
sued, who shall not appear before the
court, or commissioner, and such infant
has been kept out of the way or prevent-
ed from being served with the process


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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 285   View pdf image (33K)
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