thorised and directed, to pay to Fielding Lucas, jr. of the
dollars and twenty-five cents, being the amount of his ac-
count for books furnished the state in eighteen hundred and
twenty-eight, under the act passed at December session
eighteen hundred and twenty-six.
No. 55.
Passed Mar 12, 1829
A Resolution authorising a grant to the legal Representatives
of George Ireland, (who was a Revolutionary officer of
the Maryland line,) of 200 acres of vacant land, west-
ward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany county.
Resolved, That the register of the land office for the wes-
tern shore, be and he is hereby authorised and directed, to
issue to the legal representatives of George Ireland, a revo-
lutionary officer of the Maryland line, a common warrant
for two hundred acres of vacant land lying to the westward
of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany county, and to issue a pa-
tent for the said quantity of acres of land, upon a certificate-
of the survev thereof duly returned, without requiring pay-
ment or proof of payment of any composition money there-
No. 56.
Passed Mar 13,1829
A Resolution relating to the Land Records of Calvert county.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the judges of Calvert county court, or either of them in the
recess of said court, be and they are hereby requested to
examine the land records of said county, and report the con-
dition of the same to the next general assembly.
No. 57.
Passed Mar. 13, 1829
Resolutions relative to the Tobacco Inspection Warehouses
in the city of Baltimore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the nett revenue received from the inspection of tobacco in
the city of Baltimore, after the new edifice now building
on Dugan's wharf be finished and paid for, be and the same
is hereby appropriated to the payment of the loans raised