un-set, on the twenty-third day of this month, in com-
memoration of the birth of the illustrious Washington, the
wenty-second being on Sunday.
No. 14.
A Resolution in favour of William R. King, of Frederick
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
William R. King, of Frederick county, or his order, one
mndred dollars, being the amount of a fine imposed or
iim by Frederick county court, and paid into the treasury
which was remitted by the executive of the state.
Passed Feb 16, 1829
No. 15.
A Resolution authorising an appropriation of a sum of mo-
ney for the purposes of furnishing and making the neces-
sary repairs of the Government House.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore do pay
to the order of his excellency Daniel Martin, any sum, not
exceeding one thousand dollars, out of any money in the
treasury not otherwise appropriated ; the said sum to be applied
towards the furnishing, and making the necessary repairs of
the government house, and to be accounted for accordingly
Passed Feb 11, 1829
No. 16.
A Resolution authorising the joint committee upon the sub-
ject of the Chancery Records, to issue subpoenas for Wit-
nesses, and so forth.
Resolved, That the joint committee of the two houses
upon the subject of the chancery records, be authorised to
issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses, and
to send for papers and records.
Passed Feb 18, 1829
No. 17.
Resolution, with its preamble, authorising certain Records
in the Western Shore Land Office to be rebound.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that
here are several record books belonging to the western
Passed Feb. 16, 1829