man, commander of the Snow-Hill troop of horse, a re-
quisite number of swords, pistols, holsters, belts, &c. for
the said troop, such as the said armourer may select, on
his giving such security for the safe keeping and return of
the same, as the governor and council may require.
No. 11.
Passed March 4, 1829
A Resolution providing for the payment to Thomas Wright
3d. Samuel R. Oldson and William Grason, their per
ment, as Delegates elect from Queen-Anne's county, pre-
viously to their admission to take seats, as members, in
the House of Delegates.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore do pay
to Thomas Wright 3d. the sum of twenty dollars, to Samuel
R. Oldson the sum of twenty dollars, and to William Grason
the sum of tour dollars, out of any monies in the treasury,
not otherwise appropriated, the same being allowed as their
per diem for the period they attended at the seat of govern-
ment as members elect from Queen-Anne's county, prevr-
ously to their taking their seats as members in the house of
delegates, under the decision of said house.
No. 12.
Passed Feb 6, 1829
A Resolution authorising the State Librarian to furnish the
Directors of the Maryland Penitentiary with copies of cer-
tain Laws therein mentioned.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the librarian be and he is hereby authorised to furnish a co-
py of Maxcy's Laws, a copy of Harris, Kilty and Wat-
kin's Laws, and a copy of the Acts of the subsequent sessi-
ons of the legislature, to the directors of the Maryland Pe-
nitentiary, and that the said directors be annually hereafter
furnished with one copy of the Acts of Assembly in the
same manner as justices of the peace are now furnished.
No. 13.
Passed Feb 16, 1829
A Resolution for commemorating the birth of the illustrious
Resolved, That the governor and council be requested to
cause a national salute to be fired at sun-rise, noon and at