Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Wor-
cester county are hereby authorised and directed to appoint
of death, a majority of those surviving, are hereby autho-
separate election districts as is provided for by this act, and
to select and appoint a suitable place for holding the elec-
tions in each of the said districts, having due regard to po-
pulation, extent of territory, and the convenience of voters.
CHAP. 17.
Commissioners to
lay off county in-
to districts
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners ap-
pointed by virtue of this act shall meet at the town of Snow
Hill, on the first Monday of May next, for the purpose of
carrying into effect the provisions of this act, and the said
commissioners may adjourn from time to time, and from
place to place, until they shall have performed and com-
pleted the duties required of them by this act; and the said
commissioners are hereby required, on or before the first
day of July next, after their meeting as aforesaid, to make
out and deliver to the clerk of the county aforesaid, a plain
and accurate description in writing, of the lin.its, bounda-
ries and designations, of each district so laid off, with plats
thereof if they shall deem them to be necessary, certified
under their hands and seals, and the said clerk shall make a
fair record of the same amongst the records of the county
Time of meeting
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
it they shall deem it necessary to a due performance of the
duties required of them by this act, may employ a surveyor
and chain carriers, who shall be allowed and paid a reason-
ble compensation for their services, and time employed and
expended in the execution of such duties as may be requir-
ed of them by the said commissioners.
May employ sur-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the clerk of the county aforesaid to furnish the sheriff with
two copies of the limits, boundaries and designations, of the
several districts, as ascertained and described by the said
commissioners, whose duty it shall be to keep one in his
in the county aforesaid, and to cause the said description, in
writing, without the plats, if such should be deemed neces-
sary, to be published four weeks successively, prior to the
next election, in the public paper printed at Snow-Hill.
Sheriff to be fur-
nished with copies
of the limits of
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That for the performance of
duties required of the commissioners aforesaid by this act,
the levy court of the county aforesaid shall make reasona-
ble compensation, and shall levy the same upon the said
county, to be collected and paid as other county charges are
collected and paid; Provided, that the said commissioners
shall not receive a sum exceeding two dollars each, for each