CHAP. 193.
or altered by admixture with other substances, before such
alteration is made,) and that it shall not be necessary after
such view, in order to the use or occupation of the same, to
wait the issue of the proceedings upon such view, and the in-
quest of the jury, after confirmation, and after payment or
tender of the valuation, shall be a bar to all actions for taking
or using such property, whether commenced before or after
such confirmation, or the payment of said revaluation.
Machines, wagons
&c - Tolls
Sec. 19. And be it enacted, That the said president and
directors shall have power to purchase, with the funds of
said company, and place on the rail road constructed by
them under this act, all machines, wagons, vehicles, or
carriages of any description whatsoever, which they may
deem necessary or proper for the purposes of transportation
on said road, and that they shall have power to charge for
tolls, (and the transportation of persons,) goods, produce,
merchandize, or property of any kind whatsoever, trans-
ported by them along said rail road from the city of Bal-
timore to the town of Westminster or the Monocacy river
in Frederick county, of to the north end of the lateral rail
road on or near the Hanover Turnpike, any sum not ex-
ceeding the following rates, viz. On all goods, produce,
merchandize, or property of any description whatsoever,
transported by them from the Monocacy or Westminster
in Frederick county, or from the north end of the lateral
rail road on or near to the Hanover Turnpike, in Baltimore
mile for toll; and three cents a ton per mile for transporta-
tion on all goods, merchandize, or property of any descrip-
tion whatsoever, transported by them from Baltimore to,
or towards, Westminster on the Monocacy, in Frederick
county, or to, or towards, the north end of the lateral road
on or near the Hanover road, in Baltimore county; that
s to say, from south to west, not exceeding three cents a
on per mile for tolls, or three cents a ton per mile for
transportation, and for the transportation of passengers not
exceeding three cents per mile for each passenger; and it
shall not be lawful for any other company, or any person
or persons whatsoever, to travel upon or use any of the
roads of said company, or to transport persons, merchan-
dize, produce or property of any description whatsoever,
along said road, or any of them, without the license or per-
mission of the president and directors of said company, and