time to time, as part or parts shall be completed, and there- 1
after until the entire canal shall have been finished accord-
ing to the true intent and meaning of this act, for the colleoti-
of which tolls, the president and directors shall have pow-
er to establish so maiiy toll-houses, and.at their pleasure to
from time to time they may judge expedient; and the said
president and directors shall have full power and authority,
subject to the direction and control of a majority in interest
of the stockholders represented in general meeting, to re-
gulate and fix a tariff of tolls not exceeding an average of
two cents per ton per mile, and so adjust the said tolls in
relation to the burthen or capacity of the boats, and the di-
mensions of the rafts passing the locks of the said canal, as
to promote economy of water and time in the navigation
CHAP. 189.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors shall annually, or semi-annually, declare and make
such dividend of the net profits from the tolls to be received
according to the provisions of this act, and from the other
resources of the companv, as they shall deem advisable, af-
ter deducting therefrom the necessary current, and the pro-
bable contingent expenses, to be divided among the pro-
prietors of the stock of the said company, in proportion to
their respective shares.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said canal, and the
works to be erected thereon in virtue of this act, when
completed, shall for ever thereafter be esteemed and taken
to be navigable, as a public highway, free for the transpor-
tation of ail goods, commodities and produce whatever, on
payment of the tolls to be imposed as provided by this act,
and no other toll or tax whatever, for the use of the said
canal, and the works thereon erected, shall at any time
hereafter be imposed, but by the consent of the legislature
of Maryland.
Sec. 13. And, whereas it is necessary for the making of
the said canal, locks, dams, feeders, ponds, and other works,
Canal, when com-
pleted , to be es-
teemed a public
that a provision should be made for the condemning a quan-
tity of land for the purpose, Be it enacted, That it shall
and may be lawful for the said president and directors, or a;
majority of them, to agree with the owners of any land,
through which the said canal is intended to pass, for the
purchase or use and occupation thereof, and in case of
disagreement, or in case the owner thereof shall be a feme
covert, under age, or non compos mentis, or out of the
stale or county, on application to a justice of the county
in which such land shall be, the said justice of the peace
shall issue his warrant, under his hand, to the sheriff of the
county, to summon a jury of twenty inhabitants of said
county, not related to the parties, nor in any manner into-
May agree with
owner of land
for purchase there-