CHAP. 189.
be ordered and made to and among all the stockholders of
said company, in proportion to their several shares, subject
to the provisions and enactments hereinafter declared; and
upon any emergency, in the interval between said yearly
meetings, the said president, or a majority of said directors,
may appoint a general meeting of llic stockholders of the
company, at any convenient town or place, giving at least
one month previous notice in at least four newspapers in the
city of Annapolis, Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia,
which meeting may be adjourned and continued as aforesaid;
and in case the stockholders, or a majority of them, in any
general meeting aforesaid, shall deem it expedient to order
then in like manner, with like notice and under like re-
strictions, there shall be a semi-annual or yearly dividend
of net profits declared and paid.
Canal and profits
rested in stock-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That for and in consideration
of the expense the said stockholders will be at, not only in
cutting the said canal, erecting locks and dams, providing
aqueducts, feeders and other works, and improving and
keeping the same in repair, the said canal, and all other
works aforesaid, or such as may be hereafter required to
improve the navigation thereof, at any time hereafter, with
all their profits, subject to the limitations herein provided,
and to none other, shall be and the same are hereby vested
in the said stockholders, their heirs and assigns for ever,
as tenants in common, in proportion to their respective shares,
and subject to the same tax as other incorporated companies
in this state; and that it shall and may be lawful for the
said president and directors, at all timer, for ever hereafter,
to demand and receive, at such places as shall be hereafter
appointed by the president and directors as aforesaid, tolls
for the passage of vessels, boats, rafts, produce, and all other
articles, at such rates as the said president and directors may
hereafter allow and establish according to the provisions of
Vacnacies, how to
be supplied
this act.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if any of the commis-
sioners hereby required to be appointed, shall die, resign,
or refuse to act, the vacancy occasioned thereby shall be fill-
ed by the same authority by which the original appoint-
ment was made, and the person or persons appointed to fill
such vacancy, shall have all the power and authority which
place he or they were appointed to fill; and when any part
of the canal aforesaid shall have been completed according
to the true intent and meaning of this act, the president and
directors of the company hereby created, shall have power,
and it shall be their duty to ordain and establish a rate of
tolls, to be paid upon boats, vessels, rafts, or other proper-
ty, passing on the part of the canal so completed, and from