Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That John J. Donaldson, Samuel Keysor, Alexan-
der Fridge, H. H. Hayden, E. T. Ellicott, William D.
M'Kim, John W. Osgood, Samuel S. Keyser, J. C. & R.
H. Moale, Henry Payson, Cumberland D. Williams, An-
drew Hall, J. S. Stiles, Jesse L. Slemmer, Etting Mickle,
Ashton & Moale, James C. Sellman, John Sullivan, James
L. Hawkins, John Diffendeifer, John Patterson, John Les-
ter, W. W. Handy, Moses Sheppard, W. W. Taylor, John
Duer, George Morris, William & Joseph Neal, S. L Fow-
ler, Joseph Robinson, Andrew S. Leakin, Benjamin Bond,
John Morgan, John L. Barry, Isaac N. Toy, John R. Kelso,
Felix Jenkins, H. W. Webster, George Fitzhugh, junr. John
B. Morris, L. E. Pontier, John N. Brown, Charles T. May-
er, William H. Freeman, Samuel J. Donaldson, John Gib-
son, & Co. Samuel Harden, John H. Poor, Charles Wyeth,
Beal Randall, George M. Rogers, Stockton & Stokes, An-
drew M'Laughlin, Josiah Lee, & Co. Henry Bier, G. G.
Stewer, Leonard Jarvis, Leonard Kimball, Henry Wright,
E. K. Partridge, Justus Hoppe, Joseph Hussey, S. Honey-
well, Thomas W. Levering, Henry Cliffe, Thomas Syming-
ton, William Morris, John W. M'Fadon, George S. Gib-
son, David Barnum, Emanuel Kent, Henry Hammond,
Trueman Cross, George Carey, William Gwynn, J. A. Du-
meste, James Barroll, Henry Myers, David Hoffman, Peter
Hoffman, Stephen H. Ford, James Campbell, William Frick,
William Woodville, Andrew Muncks, Nathaniel Williams,
Michael F. Keyser, Charles S. W. Dorsey, John R. Moore,
Jacob Albert, James Harwood, Columbus O'Donnell, Re-
venly Johnson, William Norris, Pierson Baldwin, H. W.
Bool, junr. Charles Gwinn, J. C. Vandicke, and N. F Wil-
liams, their associates, successors and assigns, be and they
are hereby created a corporation and body politic, by the
name and style of The Cerralvo Mining Company of Bal-
timore, and by that name may have succession, and shall be
able and capable in law to sue and be sued, implead and be
impleaded, answer and be answered, in any court of law or
equity, and to make and use a common seal, and the same to
alter and change at their pleasure, and to ordain and establish