the taxes due and all costs, the Treasurer may, in his discre-
tion, employ a surveyor to divide the same and .tax as a part
of the costs in such proceedings such compensation for his serv-
ices as he may consider just, not exceeding the sum of five
dollars. Whenever any levy may be made, notice thereof
together with a copy of the bill for taxes due, interest ami all
costs, including that of the levy, shall be delivered to the owner
if he be in possession of the property, or be conspicuously
posted on the premises, together with a notice that if the said
hill for taxes, interest and costs be not paid within thirty days,
the property levied upon will be sold at public sale, and the
said Treasurer is authorized to expose any property so levied
upon at public sale at the expiration of thirty days, after
having first given twenty days' notice of the time and place
of sale by advertisement in one newspaper published at
Towson, and by printed handbills publicly posted on the Court
House door, and at least ten places in the district where the
property is located, one of such notices to be placed upon the
premises. Personal property may be sold upon ten days'
notice by handbills so posted in the district and at the Court
House door. Any advertised notice of sale under the pro-
visions of this section shall be deemed sufficient if it contains
the house and place, the year or years for which taxes are due.
to whom assessed, the district where located, the quantity of
land, if there be record evidence thereof, and a reference to the
book or folio where the deed for said proprty may be found.
and" the date of the deed. In no case shall a description by
metes and bounds be necessary, nor shall a greater sum than
four dollars be paid for any newspaper advertisement thereof.
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the change made in
the beginning of the fiscal year of Baltimore County by the
provisions of the preceding section of this Act shall become
effective upon the termination of the fiscal year for the levying
of taxes for Baltimore County, which will end on the 30th day
of April, 1920. And the said County Commissioners in mak-
ing their levy for county taxes for the year 1920 shall levy
such taxes only for the period ending on December 31, 1920,
and they shall proceed to levy taxes in said county for the
years after 1920 as provided in the preceding section.
SECTION 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public health and safety, and