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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 821   View pdf image (33K)
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Executive Department, and upon its transmission to the Comp-
troller the appropriation for such department shall be paid out
in accordance with such amended schedule.

Any department, board, commission, institution or officer may
at any time submit in writing to the Governor an amended
schedule for the disbursement and apportionment of the appro-
priations made to it or him. If the Governor shall approve such
amended schedule he shall transmit the same, with his certificate
of approval, to the Comptroller and thereafter such appropria-
tions shall be paid out in accordance with said amended schedule.
Any such amended schedule so submitted to the Governor may
be withdrawn at any time before the Governor has acted thereon.
Any amended schedule approved by the Governor may be again
amended at any time in like manner and with like effect. All
amendments and schedules made or approved by the Governor
shall be reported by him to the next session of the General

SECTION 8. And be it further enacted, That after the pay-
ment of the specific appropriations hereinafter listed and made,
there is hereby appropriated out of any excess in the State
Treasury during the two fiscal years ending September 30th,
1922, the sum of $100,000.00 for the use of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland of 1920, if called in special session only, or for
the use of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1922, said sum
to be used solely for emergencies which could not be foreseen at
the time of the enactment hereof and which require, for the wel-
fare or safety of the State, the expenditure of money which
would not otherwise be available, and to be disbursed only in
accordance with the provisions of an Act of the General Assem-
bly enacted in the usual manner.



Schedule of Salaries and Wages:

Governor ...................... $4,500.00

Chief Clerk ...................... 3,600.00

Secretary to Executive Department 3,000.00

Clerk ......................... 2,000.00

Clerks, 2 at $1,500................ 3,000.00


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 821   View pdf image (33K)
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