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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 820   View pdf image (33K)
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prior to the beginning of the fiscal year in which they are

SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That where any in-
crease is made herein in any salaries fixed by any Act of the
General Assembly heretofore enacted, the passage of this Act
shall operate as an amendment to such Act to the extent of such
increase. Any item of any appropriation hereinafter made pro-
viding for any salary not fixed by the Constitution of the State
may be altered or changed with the consent of the Governor by
the filing of an amended schedule as hereinafter set out; pro-
vided, that the salary of no officer shall be decreased during his
term of office.

SECTION 6. And be it further enacted, That no State depart-
ment, board, commission, officer, institution or other agency.
shall exceed the amount of its appropriation made herein, except
in the manner and to the extent for which provision is made in
Section Three hereof. If any such State department, board,
commission, officer, institution or other agency shall so exceed
the amount of its appropriation there shall be no reimburse-
ment of such excess nor shall there be any liability or obligation
upon the State to make any appropriation hereafter to meet
such deficit, and the officer or the members of such, board, com-
mission, department or agency, or of the governing body of such
State institution who have made any such excessive expenditures,
shall, in the discretion of the Governor, be deemed guilty of
neglect of official duty and shall be subject to removal therefor.

SECTION 7. And be it further enacted, That the items and
amounts which are hereafter set out to show the method of
making up any appropriation do not constitute appropriations,
but represent the initial plan of disbursement and apportion-
ment of the appropriations of which they are part. Each ap-
propriation shall be paid out only in accordance with the sched-
ule therefor, if any, unless such schedule be amended within the
limits of such appropriation in the following manner:

The Senate of Maryland of the General Assembly of 1922
may by resolution provide for or authorize the amendment of
its schedule.

The House of Delegates of the General Assembly of 1922
may by resolution provide for or authorize the amendment of
its schedule.

The Governor may himself make an amended schedule, if
the same be necessary, with respect to the appropriations for the


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Session Laws, 1920
Volume 539, Page 820   View pdf image (33K)
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