WHEREAS, It is believed that the interests of higher educa-
tion in the State may be promoted by a consolidation and
merger of the University of Maryland and the Maryland
State College of Agriculture, into one institution, which, un-
der the name of the University of Maryland, shall be con-
trolled, managed and governed in the way now prescribed by
law for the Maryland State College of Agriculture, and that
the new corporation shall have all the rights and powers of the
Maryland State College of Agriculture and shall have all the
rights and powers of the University of Maryland, and may
exercise such of them as from time to time sees fit.
Now. Therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the University of Maryland, incorporated
by the Act of 1812, Chapter 159, as amended and sup-
plemented by the Act of 1882, Chapter 88, be and the same is
merged and consolidated with the Maryland State College of
Agriculture, incorporated by the Act of 1916, Chapter 372,
and that the name of the consolidated corporation shall be
the University of Maryland.
And be it further enacted, That the government of the
University of Maryland, after said consolidation shall become
effective, as hereinafter provided, shall be vested in the Board
of Trustees provided for by Section 2 of said Act of 1916,
Chapter 372, which Board shall thereafter be known as the
Regents of the University of Maryland, and said Regents shall
exercise with reference to the University of Maryland, as
hereby constituted, and with reference to every department of
same, all the powers, rights and privileges, and be charged
with all the duties and obligations which now appertain to
them, with reference to the Maryland State College of Agri-
culture, provided, however, that the said Board of Regents
may, until they think it expedient otherwise to order, permit
any department, faculty or school of the University of Mary-
land, existing prior to the going into effect of this consolida-
tion, to govern itself, in whole or in part; to appoint its pro-
fessors, teachers and instructors, and provide for their com-
pensation and the expenses of conducting said department out
of any available funds including the tuition fees to be re-
ceived by it from the students therein, with power to discipline,
suspend, expel or reinstate any of such students.
3. And be it further enacted, That said Regents shall have,
in addition to the powers conferred upon them by the Act of