04 minutes west 82.76 feet, north 70 degrees 06 minutes west,
80.84 feet, north 66 degrees 33 minutes west, 103.12 feet,
north 71 degrees 06 minutes west, 56.32 feet, south 84 degrees
23 minutes west, 16 feet, south 53 degrees 23 minutes west
124.35 feet, and south 45 degrees 16 minutes west, 107.67 feet,
more or less, to intersect the south 40 degrees 45 minutes west,
1250 line of the original corporate limit of said town as afore-
said, and to a suitable marker to be here set up, and thence,
crossing said branch, reversing the said line, and running
therewith, north 35 degrees east, 451 feet to a stone at the
beginning of said line, and at the end of the first mentioned
south 48 degrees 45 minutes east, 1742 feet line, and thence,
reversing said line, and running therewith, north 54 degrees 03
minutes west 640.07 feet, more or less, to the beginning hereof.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of
all local laws applicable to the Town of Aberdeen, and all
existing ordinances of said town, shall be and the same are
hereby extended and made applicable to the territory hereby
annexed, and also to the inhabitants of said territory, and that
all roads, streets, avenues and alleys lying in the territory
hereby annexed shall be held to be validly constituted public
highways of the said Town of Aberdeen.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all persons resident
and all property situate within the territory which by this
Act is annexed to the Town of Aberdeen shall be and become
subject to taxation for local town purposes, beginning with
the town levy to be made in the spring of 1920.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, And it is hereby
declared, that this law is an emergency law and necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public health and safety,
and that this Act shall take effect from the date of its
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT to merge and consolidate the University of Mary-
land, incorporated by the Act of 1812, Chapter 159, as
supplemented and amended by the Act of 1882, Chapter
88, with the Maryland State College of Agriculture, in-
corporated by the Act of 1916, Chapter 372.