annually, sufficient to pay the said bonds and interest or cou-
pons as they severally mature, as provided herein; and the
said special tax or levy shall be a lien upon the taxable prop-
erty of the Third Election District and the Eleventh Election
District of said county, and the said tax shall be collected in
a like manner as other taxes levied in said county are collected,
and when collected ishall be applied as provided to the pay-
ment of said bonds as they severally mature and the interest
thereon semi-annually and said bonds shall be non-contestable
for any cause whatsoever, and the said bonds and coupons so
issued, when redeemed, whether before or at maturity, shall be
cancelled and it shall be the duty of the said County Com-
missioners to immediately cancel the same.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
Effect from the first day of June, in the year, nineteen hundred
and twenty.
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 116 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1918, entitled "An Act to au-
thorize and empower the Commissioners of Hurlock,' in
Dorchester County, to build and construct a sewerage sys-
tem, including a sewage disposal plant, for the town of
Hurlock, and for that purpose to issue bonds to an amount
not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, to pay for
such sewerage system, and to levy an additional tax on
the assessable property of the said town in order to pay
the interest and principal of said bonds as the same shall
fall due."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 116 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland of 1918, entitled "An Act to authorize and em-
power the 'Commissioners of Hurlock,' in Dorchester County,
to build and construct a sewerage system, including a sewage
disposal plant, for the town of Hurlock, and for that purpose
to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand
dollars, to pay for such sewerage system, and to levy an addi-
tional tax on the assessable property of the said town in order