Hagerstown, to remodel the entire distribution system of
the present city light plant; providing for the payment of
interest on said bonds; for the payment of said bonds
when due and payable and for the submission of the ques-
tion of issuing said bonds to the qualified voters of Ha-
gerstown at the regular municipal election to be held on
the fourth Monday in March, 1920.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown, be, and it
is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow a sum of
money not to exceed the sum of three hundred thousand dol-
lars, upon the faith and credit of Hagerstown. as hereinafter
provided, and to issue and sell coupon bonds to raise the said
sum of money aforesaid, which said issue of bonds shall be
known and designated as ''Hagerstown and Electric Light
Coupon Bonds," and the money arising from the sale of said
bonds shall be applied and used exclusively for constructing
a new city electric light plant for Hagerstown, using such
portions of the old plant as may be advantageous and to re-
model the entire distribution system of the city light plant.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That to provide for the
borrowing of the money as authorized by the preceding sec-
tion, the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown is hereby author-
ized and empowered to issue coupon bonds in such denomi-
nations and amounts as the said Mayor and Council may
determine by ordinance; said bonds to be signed by the Mayor
with the seal of the city attached thereto, attested by the
Clerk of the Mayor and Council, the coupons thereof to be
signed by the Mayor or a fac-simile of his signature stamped
thereon and to bear interest not to exceed five per cent per
annum payable on the first day of March and September of
each year; said bonds when signed by the Mayor and attested
by the Clerk as directed by this Act, shall be handed over to
the Tax Collector of said city, who shall receipt for the same,
which receipt shall be filed with and safely kept by the Clerk
of the Mayor and Council and the bond of said tax collector
shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the said bond and
the proceeds therefor. The tax collector shall sell said bonds
at public auction or by sealed bids after giving at least two
weeks public notice thereof by advertisements in one or more
newspapers published and circulated in Hagerstown. and in
the City of Baltimore, under the supervision of, and at such