in the respective banks at the rate of not less than four (4)
per centum per annum from the date of such deposit, which
interest shall be added to and become a part of the sinking
fund herein created.
SEC. 4. And be, it further enacted, That for the purpose
of designating what public school building shall be erected in
said county or alterations, additions or repairs exceeding a
cost of three-hundred ($300) dollars shall be made to exist-
ing school buildings, there is hereby created a commission to
be known as the "Public School Building Commission of Anne
Arundel County" to be composed as follows: Of the seven
members of the said Board of County Commissioners, or the
successors of any of them; three (3) members of the Board
of Education or the successors of any of them; one person
resident in the Fifth Election District of said county, to be
selected by the ten members of the Commission, the County
Superintendent of Schools shall be secretary. Said Commis-
sion, shall organize as soon as conveniently may be after the
passage of this Act, and shall name an executive committee
of four, including two members of the Board of County Com-
missioners, one member of the County Board of Education
and the member of the Building Commission from the Fifth
District, of which said executive committee the County Super-
intendent of Schools shall be secretary.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the said executive committee to inspect proposed sites,
formulate plans of buildings and of improvements, receive in
open meeting formal statements of school patrons and tax-
payers whenever such open meetings may be requested by sub-
stantial number of interested parties, and collate data bearing
upon proposed expenditures; and it shall make comprehen-
sive reports of information gathered by it and submit its rec-
ommendations thereon to the Public School Building' Commis-
sion of Anne Arundel County within a reasonable time after
being directed by the said Commission to make any investiga-
tion. The said Commission, upon such deliberation as it shall
deem fair to all citizens interested in any project, shall, after
taking into account the recommendations of its executive com-
mittee in connection therewith presented in writing, decide
whether any part and if so what part of the proceeds of the
bond issue herein authorized, shall be devoted to such project.