missioners may proceed in the same way as if said damages
had been paid to the person or persons themselves. And for
the piirposes of the survey and plat provided for in this Act
the County Road Engineer is authorized to go upon private
property through which said proposed road, bridge or drain
shall pass or be laid out and make whatever survey or surveys
that he may deem necessary. And the County Commissioners
shall have the right and power to condemn and acquire land
adjacent to or near any county or public road, the material
of which shall be deemed necessary or to be used in construct-
ing or repairing any county or public road, bridge or drain
in the same manner as in this section provided for the open-
ing, closing, extending, widening and straightening of county
or public roads, bridges or drains.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted. That all laws or sec-
tions or parts of all laws conflicting or inconsistent with any
provision or provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby
repealed so far as the same or any of the same conflict or are
inconsistent with any provision or provisions of this Act.
SEC. 12. And, be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1920.
Approved April 16, 1920.
AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Baltimore
County to borrow a sum not to exceed the amount due
from the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City to
the County Commissioners of Baltimore County and pay-
able to the Treasurer thereof for the value of the property
of Baltimore County which under Chapter 82 of the Acts
of 1918 became the property of Baltimore City, and to
apply the proceeds thereof to the replacement of said
property and providing for the payment of said loan and
the interest thereon.
WHEREAS, Under and by virtue of the power and authority
of Chapter 82 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land of 1918, James McC. Trippe was appointed by Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore City and Henry G. Shirley was
appointed by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County,
as arbitrators, to ascertain and determine the sum of money to