members elected to each of the two Houses of the General
Assembly, the same shall take effect from the date of its pass-
Approved March 31, 1920.
AN ACT to provide for the regulation, control and licensing
of horse racing within the State of Maryland, to create a
Maryland Racing Commission, and to prescribe its powers
and duties, and providing for salaries and expenses there-
for, and to provide for the license fees to be charged and
taxes to be collected for the conduct of horse racing with-
in the State of Maryland and the disposition thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, 1. That there shall be a Maryland Racing Commis-
sion, and the same is hereby created and established, which said
Maryland Racing Commission shall be vested with and pos-
sessed of the powers and duties in this Act specified and also
the powers necessary or proper to enable it to carry out fully
and effectually all the purposes of this Act. The jurisdiction,
supervision, powers and duties of the Maryland Racing Com-
mission herein created and established shall extend under this
Act to any and all person or persons, associations or corpora-
tions which shall hereafter hold or conduct any meeting with-
in the-State of Maryland whereat horse racing shall be per-
mitted for any stake, purse or reward.
2. Said Maryland Racing Commission shall consist of three
members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, and
not more than two of whom shall be of the same political
party, and one of whom shall be designated by the Governor
to be the Chairman of the said Commission. Each Commis-
sioner at the time of his appointment and qualification shall
be a resident of the State of Maryland and shall have resided
in said State for a period of at least five years next preceding
his appointment and qualification, and he shall also be a quali-
fied voter therein and not less than twenty-five years of age.
One of said Commissioners shall hold office for two years from
the beginning of his term of office and until his successor
shall qualify. One of said Commissioners shall hold office for
four years from the beginning of his term of office and until