the money so received and expended by him, and every such
honorary member shall be entitled to receive a certificate of
honorary membership of the said regiment or separate or-
ganization, to be signed by the commanding officer thereof, or
some officer designated by him for that purpose, and bearing
the date of its issue, which certificate shall exempt the said
honorary member from petit jury duty for one year from the
date of the issue of the said certificate, providing the same
be filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
City or the Clerk of the Circuit Court of any county before
the drawing of the jury.
65. Any person belonging to the military forces of this
State, going to and returning from any parade, encampment,
drill or other meeting which he may be required by law to
attend, shall, together with his conveyance and military prop-
erty, be allowed to pass through all toll gates, and over all
toll roads, bridges and ferries, if he is in uniform or presents
an order for duty or certificate of membership in the active
militia, free of charge.
66. Regiments, battalions and separate organizations may,
with the consent of the Governor, adopt a full-dress uniform,
of their own and at their own expense.
67. The separate organization in the City of Baltimore
known as the Veteran Corps of the Fifth Regiment, Infantry,
M. N. G., and Old Guard, M. N. G., respectively, shall be en-
titled to all rights and privileges conferred by this Article
except that said organization shall not be entitled to the privi-
leges of retirement or to be placed on reserve list nor to wear
a uniform not distinctive from the active military forces of
the State; nor to share any appropriation made for the sup-
port of the National Guard, unless said organizations are
called for service by the Governor in case of emergency to
aid the National Guard in quelling insurrection, invasion,
riot or breach of peace; when so called upon the members of
said organizations shall first sign, execute and deliver through
their commanding officer to the officer commanding the Na-
tional Guard to whom it is ordered to report a form of enlist-
ment to be prescribed by the Governor for a term not to
exceed ninety days at one time, and if the services of such or-
ganizations shall not be required for the full term of their en-
listment they shall be discharged by the Governor. If called
into the service of the State, the members of said organiza-