or by mailing to the postoffice nearest thereto. Such warn-
ing may be given by an officer or non-commissioned officer.
The officer or non-commissioned officer giving such notice or
warning shall, if required, make a return thereof containing
the name of the person warned and the time, place and man-
ner of warning, if required by the officer issuing the order;
such return may be verified by his oath, which may be ad-
ministered by any commanding officer. Such verified returns
shall be good evidence on the trial of any persons returned
as a delinquent of the facts therein stated, as if such officer or
non-commissioned officer had testified to the same before a
military court on such trial. Every commanding officer shall
make like return, on honor, and with like effect, of every de-
linquency or neglect of duty of his officers, and non-commis-
sioned officers, and also of every enlisted man who shall refuse
or neglect to perform such military duty as may be required.
44. Officers and enlisted men of each troop, battery, com-
pany, and division, shall assemble for and undergo drill and
instruction at their respective armories or rendezvous, or for
target practice, not less than twenty-four times during each
calendar year, preceding the annual allotment of funds under
Section 1661, Revised Statutes of the United States as amend-
ed. During the same period there shall be at least one in-
spection of each troop, battery, company and division by an
officer of the National Guard, or by an officer of the Regular
Army or Navy of the United States, at such times as the Gov-
ernor may direct. In addition to such drills and parades the
commanding officer (with permission of the Brigade Com-
mander) may require the officers and enlisted men of his
command to meet for parade, drill or instruction at such times
and places as he may appoint.
45. The system of discipline and exercises of the National
Guard of this State shall conform generally for the land
forces to that of the United States Army, and for the Naval
Militia to that of the United States Navy, as they are now or
may hereafter be prescribed by the President, and to the pro-
visions of the laws of the United States.
46. All arms, equipments and other property furnished to
organizations of this State shall, when required by the Adju-
ta-nt General, the commanding officer of the Brigade, the com-
manding officer of the Naval Brigade, the commanding officer
of the regiment, company, or separate organizations, be de-